
Showing posts from September, 2019
3 strategies to conquer word problems Stepping through  Solve the worksheet and post the answers in the comment box below.

Subtraction with regrouping.

 Subtraction techniques  Subtraction by "Regrouping" (Also called "borrowing" ) To subtract numbers with more than one digit: write down the larger number first and the smaller number directly below it     making sure to line up the columns! Smaller Number - Bigger Number But what if a column has a  smaller number on the top? How do we do  2 - 5  ? The Solution : Make the "2" larger by "regrouping" (press arrow button): In  32 : the "3" means  3 tens , the "2" means  2 ones , So we: reduce the 3 by  1 increase the 2 by  10 And we get: 2 tens , 12 ones To create your own  simple mind map, you may use  Min d Meister , to try it  click here  AND POST IT IN THE COMMENT BOX

Basics of subtraction

Let's Reflect: Subtraction is ... ... taking one number away from another. Start with 5 apples, then  subtract 2 , we are left with 3 apples. This can be written: 5 − 2 = 3 O ther names used in subtraction are  Minus, Less, Difference, Decrease, Take Away, Deduct. The names of the numbers in a subtraction fact are: Minuend − Subtrahend = Difference Minuend : The number that is to be subtracted from. Subtrahend : The number that is to be subtracted. Difference: The result of subtracting one number from another. Let's revise properties of subtraction: Let's try: Post your answers in the comment box.